Lift Yourself

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What is coaching?

A transformative journey to self-discovery.

Ever wondered what coaching is all about? You're not alone! Coaching is often misunderstood, some people believe it is simply paying someone to tell you what to do.  It’s not! It's a transformative experience, led by you, that can change your life for the better. Let's look into what coaching really means and how it can empower you to live your best life.

First off, let's clarify something. Coaching isn't about me being your mentor and telling you what to do or giving you a one-size-fits-all solution. It's far more powerful and magical than that! It's about facilitating your own journey of self-discovery.  All the answers come from you, it is my job as your coach to partner with you in a thought-provoking and creative process to help you achieve your goals.

Coaching is like a mirror that reflects your true self. It helps you embrace self-love, personal growth, and empowerment. It's not just about solving a problem; it's about transforming how you see yourself and the world around you. Imagine having a heart-to-heart with a friend who really gets you. That's what coaching feels like. It's a collaborative process where you and I work together.

Think of me as a guide on this incredible journey. I’m not there to solve your problems but to help you navigate through them. During a coaching session, I will be completely focused on you.  I will hold space and ask you questions to help you think, question, plan and grow.  Some of the questions might feel uncomfortable or awkward but it is sometimes my job to challenge you to further your growth.  I’ll hold silence to give you time to think and reflect back your thoughts and feelings to help you see yourself clearly.

But don’t worry, I’m not in charge - you are the driver. You're the expert on your own life. In coaching, you're not a passive recipient of advice; you're an active participant in your own transformation. You're the one taking the steps, making the changes, and celebrating the victories! 

The coaching journey usually starts with identifying what you truly want, your main goals.  I might employ some tools to help you define these goals clearly - maybe a wellbeing form or the wheel of life framework. You might have multiple goals but we will work on one goal at a time to avoid overwhelm. Then, through a series of conversations, you and I explore options, set goals, and create action plans. Each step is a piece of the puzzle in your transformative journey. 

As the client, you are responsible for creating and implementing your own physical, mental and emotional well-being, decisions, choices, actions and results.  You should come to our sessions ready to communicate honestly, while being open to feedback and assistance. You will do most of the talking, I am only there to ask insightful questions. If I feel you need some guidance then I may ask if I can step into a mentor role to offer advice.

If you're craving change, feeling stuck, or simply want to understand yourself better, coaching might be for you. Ask yourself, "Am I ready to take the driver's seat in my own life?" If the answer is yes, you're already on your way. 

Coaching is a transformative, collaborative process that empowers you to be your best self. It's not about quick fixes but about lasting change. If this resonates with you, I'd love to be a part of your journey. Reach out, and let's explore how coaching can transform your life.