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Roasted whole carrots with herby bulgur wheat

Roasted carrots are both beautiful in colour, and sweet in taste. You could make this recipe with roasted courgettes, aubergines, radishes, beetroots or peppers. The herby bulgur wheat is packed full of dill, nuts and dried cranberries - this would work perfectly as a lunch or dinner. You could add a little goats cheese or feta for an additional ‘builder’ element and extra zing.

Ingredients (serves 3 - 4 people)

400g whole baby carrots

1 tbsp olive oil

20g fresh ginger, grated

Juice of 1 orange


200g bulgur wheat

Zest of 1 orange

0.5tsp sea salt flakes

50g toasted chopped walnuts

Small bunch of fresh dill, chopped (leaves only)

2 tsp red wine vinegar

50g dried cranberries


For the carrots

Preheat the oven to 200C /180C fan. Wash and trim the whole baby carrots by trimming the tops (you can keep these and use them to make carrot top pesto!).

Toss the whole carrots with the olive oil, orange juice and grated ginger in a roasting pan. Put into the oven and roast for 35-40 minutes or until tender.

For the bulgur wheat

Put the bulgur wheat into a heatproof bowl. Pour over a kettle of boiling water, covering the grains in about 2-3cm.

Cover the bowl with a plate or tea towel, and leave to soak for 20-30 mins until all the water is absorbed. (You could also use stock for more flavour).

Separate the grains and fluff with a fork, then mix through the orange zest, sea salt, walnuts, chopped dill, red wine vinegar and dried cranberries.

To serve, top the herby bulgur with the roasted carrots - sprinkle over some goats cheese or feta for a little extra oomph if you fancy it!