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Dangerous Diet Myths Debunked

The health and fitness industry is a huge business that takes in billions every year from people looking for the next ‘fix’ for their bodies, the industry is constantly over-complicating and confusing us with contradicting ideas. Often the industry is very focused on our appearance rather than our overall health, it is an industry that values thinness. It’s important to know that thinness and health are not the same thing. In this post I will be debunking some common diet myths in the hope that you can start to move away from diets and start valuing your long term health.

Intermittent Fasting = skipping meals

Don’t let the fancy name fool you, intermittent fasting is simply the act of skipping breakfast. The only way this will help you lose weight is simply by reducing the number of calories you are consuming. The trade off will be that you may become distracted by mid-morning with hunger. You may also make more impulsive food choices later in the day as you are so hungry.

If you are a breakfast person, then eat breakfast - if not, then don’t. It’s super simple! Try to tap into your own hunger-fullness cues to determine when and what your next meal should be.

Calories in vs calories out = too simplistic

There are plenty of personal trainers who boil down foods to calories in vs calories out. Again, the logic behind it is to reduce the amount of calories we are eating in relation to the amount of calories our body needs. I did this for while and it made me totally obsessed with calorie counting and meticulously weighing food. This way of thinking reduces food to numbers, when actually food is a source of pleasure with flavours, smells and textures to enjoy.

Cutting out whole food groups = demonising food

The low carb diet has replaced the 80s low fat diet as the popular choice for dieters. Any diet where you are cutting out whole food groups is again, a way to significantly cut our calorie intake. The side effects of this can be particularly long lasting - you can be left with a genuine fear of eating certain foods. You will also struggle eating out in social settings and may end up staying in alone to avoid the stress. All foods have nutritional benefit to us and no food is ‘good’ or ‘bad’ - you should eat all full range of foods to nourish yourself properly.

Can’t eat after 8pm = how does your body know?

This is a common one I hear from clients, they like to have an early dinner so they aren’t eating after a certain time. Again, it’s simply a way of reducing calorie intake. I will always ask whether they feel better for eating earlier or are they doing it to fit into a certain diet rule. A calorie is a calorie regardless of when you eat it whether it be midday or midnight. We are all built differently and require energy at different times - if you are a Mum doing night feeds or someone working long shifts then you should feel able to nourish yourself as and when you please.

‘Belly fat blitz’ ‘Bingo Wing toner’ ‘Thigh reducer’ = ridiculous body shaming

These particular types of workouts and diets appeal to our own internalised body shame - the thought that we should be ashamed of our bodies and effectively disregard all the amazing things our bodies can do. You cannot spot reduce fat from specific parts of your body - if you are able to sustain a calorie deficit then you will get fat loss from all over your body. We know that most diets fail so these crazy diets for specific fat loss will often end with you staying the same or putting on weight. Honestly, try to make peace with all of your body and treat yourself with the respect you deserve.

Intense exercise regimes = punishment

There are so many crazy intensive exercise regimes and i honestly believe that a lot of us choose these as a form of punishment. If you genuinely enjoy high intensity movement then that is wonderful! Keep doing what you enjoy. But if you don’t, then you shouldn’t carry on doing something you aren’t enjoying. Try to find something you love - there are so many options available to you. You are unlikely to commit to a long term movement plan if you resent it.

Slimming teas / slimming injections = a celebrity endorsed danger

There are a lot of slimming teas and injections on the market at the moment - mostly endorsed by reality TV stars who are wanting to make a quick buck on social media. Often these celebs haven’t even used the product, they will work with a nutritionist and PT in order to achieve their body changes. The teas are usually some form of laxative and the injections sound so dangerous. If you are this desperate to lose weight then please reassess why you are wanting to change your body. Please consider your overall health and throw away these products, you deserve better.

The need to diet to lose weight is a huge part of life for many people - often this desire to lose weight is driven by all the diet talk we see in the media and society as a whole. If this sounds like you, then sit back and really question whether you are striving for health or just thinness? You can improve your health without ever losing a pound - instead of worrying about all those silly diet rules listed above, do this instead;

  • Nourish yourself - eat and drink things that make you feel good, energised, satisfied and happy! Remember to enjoy your food, life would be boring if all you ate was green salad

  • Move your body - find movement that you enjoy and do it! Whether that is high or low intensity - positive movement will boost both your physical and mental health.

  • Sleep well and rest - giving yourself adequate rest time will allow your body and mind the time to relax and refresh.

  • Work towards Body Acceptance - accepting our body regardless of not being completely satisfied with all aspects of it. Knowing that your body is good regardless of your perceived ‘flaws’.

Remember that it is our consistent behaviours that make a difference to our health. Try to do something every day to show you respect your body, even if it’s a well deserved rest day!